Animated film “Shaun the Sheep,” from the creators of “Wallace & Gromit” and “Chicken Run,” will be released in the United States on Aug. 5, but you can see an early screening at Alamo Drafthouse Slaughter on Aug. 1.
We’re giving away a family pack of four tickets to see the film, which tells the story of Shaun the sheep and the rest of his flock who get into a bit of trouble after taking the day off and ending up in the Big City. The flock’s fate depends on Shaun, who must figure out a way to blend in and get everyone safely back to the farm.
The morning screening begins at 10:15 a.m. and will include pre-screening activities like a petting zoo, photo booth, crafts and games, beginning at 9:30 a.m., according to a news release.
To enter, send an email to with the subject line “Shaun the Sheep” by noon on July 28. We’ll announce the winner later that day.
One winner will be selected at random from all the responses, and they will be emailed details for how to pick up tickets. Non-winning participants will not be notified. Austin360 does not store giveaway participants’ personal information. Your email will not be used for any purpose other than winner notification.